Smoking and potency in men: side effects, contraindications and reviews

It is not now the youth begins at a very young age, sometimes, the first experience is still in high school. First, it is done in the name of courage, the boy brags it in front of their classmates, to prove their "maturity". Then, self-indulgence is addictive and it becomes habit for many years. And when the middle ages begin erection problems, there are a few men who connects the concept of Smoking and the power of a unit, assuming that all these years have done irreparable harm to the health of men.

as it does Not affect the power

Do not Smoke in power

Violation of the erectile function you can find even young smokers. The danger is the nicotine, even in small amounts it leads to vasoconstriction and impaired circulation. Even 2-3 cigarettes, which were smoked before intercourse, can trigger a sluggish erection.

Impotence is directly related to the effects of the exposure to nicotine. And menthol included in the composition of some products derived from tobacco, which increases the load on the cardiovascular system, preventing the circulation of the blood, including in the penis.

In the composition of the tobacco smoke includes as many as about 5 thousand members, 60 of them have a negative impact on the power. Most dangerous:

  • carbon monoxide;
  • benzene;
  • hydrogen sulfide;
  • resin;
  • ammonia;
  • hydrocyanic acid.

The action of the majority of components was not studied, therefore, means that the other components are harmless, you wouldn't be wrong. Manufacturers of tobacco products are silent on the extent of the harm caused by cigarettes.

How it works

The nicotine, which appear in the male body, causes a series of negative consequences:

  1. hinders the circulation of the blood in the penis;
  2. decreases the pressure of the blood in the penis;
  3. contributes to the development of atherosclerosis;
  4. reduces the amount of produced testosterone.

Passive Smoking has no less harm to the body of the asset.

The effect of Smoking herb (hashish, marijuana)

The lovers of smoke "pot" they say that improves the sexual libido and the power of men. The truth, of course. It is easy to explain. The fact that the penis has many receptors able to respond to components of marijuana. That take place in the body of a chemical reaction at this time increases the ability to achieve orgasm.

But the truth is that the fact that the increase over time is replaced by the reduction of the libido. Known cases, when the orgasm was accompanied by the unbearable pain in the reproductive organs.

The truth about the effects of the herbs:

  • The cannabinoids contained in the herb, permanently destroy the mental health, inhibit and dull the mechanism of action.
  • The level of testosterone decreases, and the reproductive function is faltering.
  • Sperm count decreases, they become inactive.
  • The function of the testicles dies, were smaller in size, changing its density.
  • Blood vessels constrict, the blood circulation, the frequency of congestion.

Smoking and the power of myths

He argued that the impotence of the beach people who suffer from addictions, such as addiction to alcohol and tobacco. However, it is a common mistake. Even those who maintain a healthy lifestyle and never held a cigarette in your hands, do not drink alcoholic beverages, can fail during the intercourse.

This is due to the fact that impotence has many causes and factors cause it. For example, psychological, phobias, fears, unfavorable environment, or diseases of the genitourinary system.

Therefore, the rejection of bad habits does not guarantee the return of male power, it is important to know the etiology of the problem, to solve with success.

The quality of the sperm

Among the complications caused by tobacco products in the male body, perhaps the most serious is the decline of the indicator of the quality of the sperm. More specifically, the area of Rooms:

  1. reduces sperm density, changing its composition;
  2. contributes to the poor quality of the sperm;
  3. reduces the activity, and destroys the sperm.

Changes in the male body, affect reproductive function, reduce to zero the probability of fertilization of the female partner. If conception occurs, then it is likely that the fetus must be diagnosed with developmental disorders, in addition there may be alterations in various body systems.

Be exposed to hydrocyanic acid and resin, the sperm of a smoker are destroyed and cease to be active, though the men differ in a good state of health, the recovery process lasts about three months. Another important point is that the ill-fated love for the tobacco causes a reduction in the amount of androgens, that are directly associated with erectile function.

Scientific studies demonstrate the relationship between the power of men and the number of cigarettes smoked. In accordance with the results of the tests of American citizens, at a daily price of 20 cigarettes with a probability of impotence increases by more than half.

Other experiments show that components of cigarette smoke the lower quality of the sperm and its ability to fertilize the egg in a 75%. This is the reason doctors recommend to avoid tobacco in all those who are planning children and a normal family.

Research poles and Czechs have confirmed that Not 1 pack a day, man, this reduces to twice the duration and frequency of sexual contact. This statement is true for the stronger sex in the age from 30 to 45 years.


It is not strictly forbidden to all those who have been diagnosed with diseases of the respiratory system:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • bronchitis in the chronic form;
  • fibrosis pulmonary.

And in some other diseases:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • the cardiovascular disease;
  • the high blood pressure.

How to stop Smoking affects the health of men

In the United States, scientists have investigated the alteration of erectile function due to Smoking. It turned out that a decent number of study diagnosed with diabetes type 2 diabetes. However, the most amazing thing was that they were together almost the same number of cigarettes smoked per day. We are talking about two packs.

The study of the consequences of smoking cessation, when problems of a sexual nature, the experiment was designed in which men were required to abstain from Smoking for six weeks. After the expiry of one third of subjects recorded improvement in erectile function in relation to the abandonment of Smoking. Medical treatment to get rid of the addiction to nicotine is not necessary.

treatment of power

From this we can draw an clear conclusion that the quality of sex life representative of the stronger sex greatly improves if you give up the habit. This method is the only possible cure for the impotence that has been caused by the influence of the nicotine products. In any other case, medicine is powerless to change anything.